Revelation 19

Pastor Marshall Ochs | November 13, 2022

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Revelation 19. This chapter is a vision of worship and the second coming of Jesus. It contains vivid imagery that reveals Christ as a divine warrior who will save His people and punish wickedness. This chapter shows how history will come to an end, and Jesus will be exalted among the nations.




  1. Revelation 19 begins with a song of praise for Jesus’s return and the end of Babylon! We see the angelic host and all believers praising Jesus and worshiping together! As you imagine this day, what feelings or thoughts does this provoke in you?

  2. This passage should encourage us to see things from heaven’s point of view. Babylon (representing this world and those who are in love with it) is repulsive to God. Are there any areas of your life in which you are holding hands with or embracing the temptations of this world?

  3. We are called to keep our garments clean and live expectantly for our Lord’s return, just as a bride prepares for her wedding. If the Lord’s return was today, are you spiritually ready?

  4. John is reminded as he bows in worship to not worship the angels, but only Jesus! Anything/anyone that pulls our attention away from Christ is a false prophecy/prophet. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal any false teaching that you have agreed with.

  5. In verses 11-16 we see the triumphant return of Jesus! As we consider this biblical picture it should change our perspective on this life. Every worry or concern is seen with Jesus over it. How does this change your view of what you are going through today? How does it change your priorities?