The Book of Acts - Chapter 13

Pastor Lyell Walker | March 6th, 2022

In this message, Pastor Lyell teaches from Acts chapter 13. In this chapter, we read that Paul begins his first missionary journey. During his travels, he is confronted with several groups who oppose his teaching of the Gospel. What we learn from these encounters is that we, like Paul, must keep our eyes on Jesus when confronted by those who disagree with us or who oppose the Gospel. We must be those who are led by the Spirit and act out of love towards the Bar Jesus’ around us.




  1. Barnabas and Saul were given direction, but not directions. Has there been a time when you heard the Holy Spirit speak and give you a direction but not directions? What is/was your response, move forward or wait on the Lord?

  2. The Holy Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul to Paphos, and there they encountered a false prophet named Bar-Jesus as they were meeting with the proconsul named Sergius Paulus. When Bar-Jesus opposed them and the gospel message, Paul, “filled with the Holy Spirit,” spoke boldly and intently the truth. His motivation was not to be right but to speak the truth in love. When you encounter opposition because of the gospel message, how do you respond? Prayerfully or reactively? We have a choice to prayerfully respond or emotionally react.

  3. Do you ask for wisdom of when to speak and what to say?

  4. We, like Paul, have been sent out with the message of salvation and the ministry of reconciliation. How can you live in this way, sharing the message of Jesus and living as a reconciler?

  5. We see from chapter 13 that Paul gained a following and was also met with opposition from those filled with jealousy. Reflecting on his response in verses 51-52, what can we learn from Paul and Barnabas in keeping our eyes on Jesus and the work that He has set out for us to do? Will we be distracted by opposition or fame or be diligent in keeping our eyes on Jesus? Are we prepared to respond like Paul if we gain a following or encounter persecution?

  6. Spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal if there is anything that is distracting you from Jesus and walking in complete surrender and obedience to Him.

  7. Did Paul get offended when people disagreed with him? Can we be a people who will hate evil and love our neighbors?

  8. Spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal if there are any ways you are creating division instead of living as a bridge builder for the gospel message of Jesus. Do you see your world as a mission field? The people around us need to hear the message of Jesus.