The Book of Acts - Chapter 21

Pastor Marshall Ochs | April 17, 2022

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Acts 21. This chapter covers Paul’s journey to Jerusalem. His path was filled with suffering and persecution, but he was not the first person to travel this path. Paul was following the footsteps of Jesus, to Jerusalem, to experience the transforming power of new life. This path is a familiar path for Christians because we also walk this path of suffering, death, and new life. This Resurrection Day message explores the Christian themes of death and new life.




  1. The people awaiting Paul in Jerusalem were more concerned with keeping a political or religious system and maintaining their power structure than accepting Jesus as their Messiah. Do you see this in our world today? Spend time asking the Holy Spirit to reveal how He is calling you to spread the name of Jesus.

  2. Paul walked a similar path as our Jesus walked, one of pain and suffering. What do you do when you know there is a road of pain and suffering ahead? Take another path, or are you willing to walk in obedience and surrender?

  3. In Matthew 16:21-23, Jesus tells Peter he is setting his mind on things of man and not things of God. Where do you find yourself in times of suffering, trials, and chaos? Do you set your eyes, mind, and heart on Jesus or things of this world? Things that can be seen or unseen things? Oh, may we set our minds on the promises of Jesus and His truth. Like the angel told Mary, He has risen as He said!

  4. New life comes when old lives are put to death. Are you willing to get rid of your desires and allow the Holy Spirit to give you, His desires? Are you ready to put to death the things that are not of Jesus? As Pastor Marshall asked, are you tired of buying what the world is selling (in some cases literally)? Spend time in prayer this week, asking Him to align your desires with His and give you the power to die to your flesh.