The Letter to the Hebrews - Chapter 5

Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 29, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Hebrews 5. This chapter begins a new appeal to view Jesus as a superior high priest to Aaron and the Levites. The author argues that Jesus is a high priest from the order of Melchizedek and reveals that he could elaborate on this truth, but he is hindered by their lack of hearing. The church has been slow to learn, practice, and share their faith. This has left them functioning as spiritual babies and they need to grow up. This message was powerful and convicting for the early church as well as us today.




Monday: Read Hebrews 5 & Exodus 28

  • Will you ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the majesty and awe of our Heavenly Father? As you study His Word, may it fill you with a reverent fear of God, may it enlighten your mind to know God deeper, and may it create a wonder to understand the mysteries of God.

  • In Exodus 28, God is teaching His people how to worship Him; we see Him call the skilled workers to whom He had given the wisdom to make garments for Aaron. God wants to fill us with His wisdom and Holy Spirit to enable us to do the good works He has created us for. Will you spend time in prayer meditating on these passages, asking God to give you a deeper understanding of who He is and how He wants to use you for His Kingdom?

Tuesday: Read Hebrews 5 & Genesis 14:18-20

  • Through obedience and suffering, Christ became our High Priest for all eternity. Yet, Jesus cried to God, asking to be spared what was to come. But He didn’t stop there, He submitted to God’s plan, and because of Jesus, we have a High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses. Will you let Jesus’ example of obedience encourage you in the face of trials? He promises never to leave us or forsake us. Whatever you are facing today, will you turn to Jesus?

Wednesday: Read Hebrews 5 & Psalm 2

  • How does Hebrews 5 challenge you in your spiritual maturity? One of my Study Bibles poses a challenge in evaluating your maturity level by looking at your choices. Do you find yourself as the one consistently being taught, not teaching others, desiring entertainment over spiritual challenges, complacent or alert and active in your faith? Wherever you are, will you commit to a deeper walk with Jesus through studying His Word and being engaged with the community of believers?

Thursday: Read Hebrews 5 & Psalm 110

  • According to verses 12-13 of Hebrews 5, these Christians were immature and lazy. They should have been teaching others but were struggling with the basics of God’s truths. How is God moving you to grow in the knowledge of Him and put into practice what He is teaching?

Friday: Read Hebrews 5 and 6

  • How can you impart wisdom on those around you today?