The Letter to the Hebrews - Chapter 2

Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 8, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Hebrews 2. This chapter continues the argument from chapter one — Jesus is superior to angels. Building on that argument, the author describes the human nature of Jesus and what Christ accomplished in the flesh. Specific attention is given to Jesus’ victory over the fear of death and the implications that holds in daily life.




  1. Last week we studied Hebrews 1 and saw how believers were struggling with faithfulness to God. Due to social pressure, they were shrinking back and drifting in their faith. Today, as we study Hebrews 2, we are warned about the results from drifting away from our faith. In what ways have you drifted away from God?

  2. We are encouraged to not merely hear the word of God, but to obey. We must examine everything in the light of Christ and take what He has said to us seriously. Pray and ask the Lord to show you what areas of your life need to be surrendered fully to Him.

  3. If we do not hear and obey, we will drift away, like a boat that is not tied to the dock. This drifting isn’t an act of conscious disbelief, but rather happens due to neglect. If we neglect to study God’s word and pray – we drift. This drifting ultimately will lead to a spiritual life that is shipwrecked! Tie your boat to the dock!

  4. Mankind was made a steward over creation, and then mankind sinned. This made us slaves. Jesus, through His suffering and death became the atonement for our sin and gave us the gift of freedom. The creator of mankind took on flesh, dwelt among us, experienced temptations, suffering and death in order to wash away our sins and satisfy the wrath of God! As you think on this, spend time thanking God for all that He has done for us through His Son, Jesus.

  5. Jesus destroyed the devil and the power of sin! Jesus set the captives free from the fear of death and the grave! As believers in Jesus, we no longer have to live afraid anymore of anything or anyone! What have you been living in fear of? May today be the day that we lay down any fears we have been enslaved by and walk in freedom in and through Christ Jesus!