2 Samuel 21-22

Pastor Marshall Ochs | October 8, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Samuel 21-22. These chapters cover the influences in David’s life as well as the influence David had over Israel. The story invites us to consider our influences and how they shape our behavior. The story concludes with a song of worship as David reflects on God’s influence in his life.




Read 2 Samuel 21

In the pages of 2 Samuel 21, we encounter David's life in a rebuilding season in Jerusalem. Marshall pointed out today that David's journey in this passage mirrors the phases we go through: being influenced by others, influencing others, and then reflecting on our choices. We must pause and ask ourselves: What is influencing us today? Is it the world, the opinions of others, or the voice of God?

In this instance, David's decision led to the death of seven men, as he gave the Gibeonites the power to exact revenge. Are you, like David, making decisions based on the influence of others or the guidance of God? It's easy to be swayed by the opinions of society, friends, or even our own desires. However, when we fail to seek God's wisdom and align our decisions with His will, we may find ourselves on a path of unintended consequences.

David's story teaches us the importance of seeking God's counsel in every aspect of our lives. As Marshall said, nothing is off the table. Let us not be hasty in our decisions but seek His face through prayer, meditation on His Word, and seeking godly counsel. Will you spend time in prayer today, asking what is influencing you? What do you need to let go of?

Read 2 Samuel 22 & Psalm 18

Will you spend time meditating on who God is, referring to the passages in Marshall’s notes? He is our rock, refuge, fortress, deliverer. He is compared to a lion, eagle, lamb, light, torch, fire, and fountain. Don’t rush through these passages. Let them sink to your very core, let them change the lens through which you see.

And finally, this week, will you spend time reflecting on the question Marshall posed today; Do you interpret your life through scripture? Is scripture guiding how you will get through the season that you are in? Will you end your reflection time each day in a time of worship? Will you enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise?