2 Thessalonians 2-3

Pastor Marshall Ochs | November 19, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Thessalonians 2-3. Paul closes his letter to the church with a warning against Christians who live idle lives. In light of the glorious new life Christ has given to us, we should be hard at work in God’s vineyard. When Jesus returns He should find us accomplishing the Lord’s plans and building His kingdom. If a church member refuses to stay busy with God’s work, Paul’s instruction is to disassociate with them until they turn in repentance.




Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9-17

In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Paul paints a vivid picture of the end times, where Satan will empower the antichrist to perform signs and wonders, deceiving the nations. Why? Because the nations, tragically, have chosen deception over truth. They have embraced darkness and lies, and in response, God allows them to sink deeper into their delusion. I can’t help but continue to think of the quote Marshall shared this morning from C.S. Lewis: “God is love, but the world sees love as God.” It's such a slight change in words but a complete lie.

Now, why is this important? Paul is setting up a powerful contrast in verses 13-15. On one side, we have the nations, deceived, condemned, and blind, chasing after darkness. On the other side, we find you, dear believers, saved, called beloved, and sanctified. You are no longer blind; you see the light of truth. While the nations chase after darkness, you pursue the light. God has chosen you and called you out of that darkness. You are no longer who you used to be.

So, what do we do with this profound reality? Paul's message is clear:

Stand Firm: In this new reality, stand firm in your faith. Let nothing shake your mind or deter you from the path of truth. The storms of deception may rage, but you stand unshaken.

Hold to the Traditions and Commands: Obey God's Word faithfully. It is your guide in this world filled with deceit. Let the Word of God shape your character, actions, and speech.

Comfort Believers: Walk out this reality daily and speak it out to others. Comfort your fellow believers with the truth. Let your life be a testimony to the transformative power of God's grace.

As Pastor Marshall noted, this echoes a theme we find in the life of David in 1-2 Samuel. What David believed about God shaped his character, actions, and speech. Similarly, Paul emphasizes that who you are and belong to should change everything about you. When you truly grasp the reality of your salvation and sanctification, you handle life differently. Your perspective and speech are different, and your actions reflect the light you now walk in.

As we reflect on these words, let us remember that we are the chosen, the beloved, and the sanctified. We are the ones who walk in the light of truth while the world may

stumble in darkness. May our lives be a testament to this reality as we stand firm, obey God's Word, and comfort one another in the knowledge of our transformation through Christ. May the lost see our joy amid chaos and long to know more of our hope in Jesus Christ!

Read 2 Thessalonians 3

In chapter 3, Paul implores the Thessalonians to pray fervently for them in specific ways: spread of the gospel, that what happened in Thessalonica would happen everywhere, and deliverance and protection from evil and wickedness. Paul's words carry divine inspiration. Let us embrace them in our prayers, weaving Paul's requests into our time with God. May we pray for a revival, that His light may shine brightly.

As you study and pray through 2 Thessalonians, will you invite the Holy Spirit to illuminate any areas where you might inadvertently focus on idleness? Paul's teaching is straightforward; he commands us to be diligent and active in our work. As Marshall pointed out, the specifics of our work may look very different, but certain practices and aspects remain consistent for all of us. These practices include daily study of God's Word, dedicating time to prayer, engaging in worship, and looking for ways to demonstrate the love of Christ to others.