1 Samuel 31 - 2 Samuel 1

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 30, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 1 Samuel 31 and 2 Samuel 1. These chapters cover the death of Saul and David’s reaction to the news of Saul’s defeat. The story ends with David writing a lament to solidify how Saul and Jonathan should be remembered. These chapters teach us about perspective and the importance of seeking God’s view on matters.




Read 1 Samuel 31:1-13

As you read through the Scripture in 1 & 2 Samuel this week, will you keep at the forefront of your mind, what is my perspective?

From a worldly viewpoint, Saul, the once mighty king, has met his demise. However, we miss the bigger picture if we focus on Saul as the main character. This unfolding of events didn't happen by chance. It was the fulfillment of God's declaration. When God speaks, His Word will undoubtedly come to pass, regardless of how long it takes.

When we read the Bible, we must consider the perspective from which the events unfold. From our limited viewpoint, circumstances can appear bleak and hopeless. But we must remember that we are not the main characters in God's story. He is the author and orchestrator of history, and everything unfolds according to His perfect plan.

Just as understanding perspective is crucial in reading Scripture, it is equally essential in discerning the times we live in today. Whether it is personal chaos or chaos on a bigger scale, God is working out His plan. The world may seem chaotic, and evil may appear to triumph, but we must remember that from God's perspective, everything is happening precisely as He declared. He is in control, and His redemptive plan is still unfolding.

What is currently happening in your life that you question why is it happening?

Is your perspective wholly focused on what is seen, not what is unseen?

Are you allowing things of this world to shape your perspective? Do you spend more time online or on social media than you are God’s Word? If so, your perspective is being shaped by this world. For those of us with children and grandchildren, who is discipling them? Is it Hollywood or social media, or are we as parents and grandparents prioritizing being in God’s Word, memorizing scripture, praising Jesus in our homes, and teaching them the power of prayer?

Will you allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to a new perspective? A perspective where God is sovereign over every single detail in our lives, where all things work together for the good of those who love Him.

Read 2 Samuel 1:1-27

Upon hearing of the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, David did not respond with bitterness or vengeance. Instead, he composed a lament with profound wisdom. David's song celebrated the best qualities of both Saul and Jonathan. Instead of focusing on Saul's past hatred towards him, he remembered their excellent and noble aspects. Take a moment to pause and sincerely consider the situation from David's perspective. Try to reflect on your own emotions if you were David. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to any concealed feelings of bitterness that might reside within your heart?

As Pastor Marshall posed the question today, If our lives were songs, what would the lyrics convey? Who is the main character? Are the lyrics filled with complaints, sorrow, and hurt? Or does our song exalt God above all else, declaring God's goodness, mercy, compassion, and abounding love?

We must consciously choose to sing about how God moves in our lives. Choosing gratitude and trust in difficult circumstances can transform our perspective and strengthen our faith. Amid life's trials and tragedies, may we craft a song of gratitude, confidence, and reverence for God, setting an example for others. Let our lives be a symphony of praise, acknowledging God's sovereignty and grace.

Read 2 Samuel 1-3 in preparation for next week.