2 Samuel 16-18

Pastor Marshall Ochs | September 24, 2023

In these chapters, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Samuel 16-18. These chapters pair with the previous three chapters with Absalom and David. God disciplined David because of his shepherding failures in Israel and at home. However, God loved David, and through his discipline and consequences for sin the Lord restored David. This story reminds us of the sobering reality that shepherding is serious business, but in our failures God is sovereign. The Lord will not waste a failure, He redeems our failures for His purposes.




Read 2 Samuel 16-18 daily

In 2 Samuel 16:23, we witness the profound influence of Ahithophel's counsel on both David and Absalom. However, we are left pondering why Absalom sought a second opinion despite his high regard for Ahithophel's wisdom. It is essential to recall David's heartfelt prayer from 2 Samuel 15:31, where he prayed, "Lord, turn Ahithophel's counsel into foolishness." It is at this moment that we realize the undeniable sovereignty of God. God, in His divine wisdom, raised up Hushai to counteract Ahithophel's advice, showcasing that nothing in this world exists outside the bounds of God's supreme authority.

This narrative imparts a profound lesson we can glean from David's actions: the importance of turning to God even when our past sins loom, and hopelessness threatens to engulf us. The adversary, Satan, often seeks to ensnare us in regret, attempting to keep us captive. Yet, in these moments, we must remember that God is our Redeemer, a beacon of hope that pierces through the darkness of our past mistakes.

God is at work and in every detail.  As Pastor Marshall said, when we don’t know what to do, keep pursuing Christ, look to Him, hide His Word in our hearts, and sit at His feet.  Jesus, our Redeemer, is sitting at the right hand of God, interceding on our behalf.  He has given us everything we need to accomplish the good works He has set out for us.