Luke 19

Pastor Marshall Ochs | May 12, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 19. This chapter includes the salvation of Zacchaeus and the events of Palm Sunday. Each story and parable reveals a king that approaches His people to inspect their faithfulness. The king rewards the faithful and brings consequences to the unfaithful. This entire chapter speaks to the responsibility Christians have to serve as faithful stewards and use the gifts God has given us to build His kingdom.




1. In Luke 19:1-10, we see Jesus headed to Jerusalem. As He was passing through the new Jericho he sees Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector who was desperate to see Jesus. In Luke 18 we encounter a rich man who was much more challenged to truly “see” Jesus because his wealth, and the things of this world meant more to him than a life spent following after Jesus. This contrast is especially important to notice. Having material blessings in this life is not the sin – loving them and chasing after them more than a life surrendered to Christ is the sin.

a. Have you been blinded by the things of this world and worshiped them more than Jesus?

b. Would you be willing to give up the comforts of this world in order to do what God is calling you to do?

2. Jesus tells Zacchaeus that He wants to come to his home and visit with him. Zacchaeus gladly receives the invitation and appears to understand his need to surrender his life and his worldly possessions to the Lord. He chooses relationship over riches. Like Zacchaeus, Jesus calls each of us by name! Jesus loves you and wants you to know that just like Zacchaeus, you are not beyond His redemption!

a. Have you heard the Lord inviting you into a deeper relationship with Him?

b. What is your answer to His invitation? What is holding you back from accepting His invitation?

c. If Jesus returned today, would He find you embracing His mission with complete surrender, or rejecting His mission with grumbling and complaining?

d. What would He find in your home or in your heart if He came to inspect it today?

3. Read Luke 19:11-27. In this parable, Jesus is shining a light on the condition of the hearts of the people. The Lord has put each of us in charge of the time, money and talents He has given us.

a. Are you being a good steward of what the Lord has blessed you with?

b. Are you sitting on your hands, or are you living for Him by using the gifts He has given you to further His Kingdom?

4. Read Luke 19:28-44. Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, and it is the week of Passover. Jesus is the final Passover Lamb! What does Jesus find when He arrives? The people want what Jesus can do or provide for them, rather than embracing the greatest gift of all a relationship with Him.

a. Has this been true in your life? Have you been treating God like Santa Clause – asking God for blessings, comforts and gifts in this life instead of focusing on relationship with Him?

b. Do you desire to really “see” Jesus?

c. The reality is that He sees us! He sees where your heart truly is. If you are not truly sold out and pursuing a relationship with Jesus, pray and ask Him to open your eyes and heart to His transformation and will in your life.

5. Read Luke 19:45-48. Jesus inspects the Temple. He finds a marketplace! The Temple has been defiled with leaders who have turned a holy place meant for teaching and prayer into a business to make money.

a. When you go into His Temple, (your church home) it shouldn’t be about your preferences or leaders who are holding hands with this world. It should be about worshiping the One True God, studying His word and seeking Him through prayer. This should be our daily practice at home as well – Monday through Saturday – not just on Sunday! What does your heart look like? A temple where the Lord dwells or a place where sin reigns? Make today the day that you allow Him to sit on the throne of your life instead of your relationships, accomplishments and possessions. Watch and see what great things He will do in you and through you as you surrender your all to Him!