1 Kings 5-6

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 21, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 1 Kings 5-6. These chapters cover the construction of Solomon’s Temple. The story begins with Solomon cutting a covenant with Hiram of Tyre to secure cedar from Lebanon and ends with 7 years of construction. In the middle of the story, the Lord visits Solomon with a subtle reminder of heart devotion. If Israel is devoted to the Lord, the temple will be a blessing. If Israel is devoted to the temple, it will become a snare.




Read 1 Kings 5:1-5. David wanted to build a temple for the Lord. However, God never asked for a temple. God answers David’s prayer and allows his son Solomon to build a temple. Solomon wants to use the best materials to build this temple and reaches out toHiram, the King of Tyre who had the best cedar trees in the land.

  • Have you desired to do something for God that He has not asked you to do?

  • What was the motive? Was it to make yourself feel better about pleasing God? Was it to have the esteem of others?

Read 1 Kings 5:5-18. It would seem as though everything is going well as the temple is being built. However, we must look deeper into what is actually happening. Hiram and Solomon used forced labor (slavery) in order to build the temple. Solomon made a covenant with Hiram which was forbidden. (See Exodus 23:32 & Deuteronomy 4:23) This treaty included people who worshiped false gods. This is demonic! Solomon is using his gift of wisdom incorrectly. He has compromised in order to get what he wants. God blesses us because He is good, not because we are good. His blessings to us are an invitation to come to Him – the Blesser, not use them to have our own way.

  • Have you used the gifts God has given to you to acquire what you want or further your agenda, rather than using those gifts for the purpose of what God wants?

  • What is your heart devoted to? God’s agenda or yours?

Read 1 Kings 6:1-7. The details of the building of the temple draw our attention to some important facts. Just like the outside walls didn’t pierce the temple walls, nothing in ministry should pierce the presence of God in our worship. Distractions should be minimal, and our attention should be solely on the Lord. Even though our service to Him can be well meaning, it can also become a distraction or an idol.

  • What has distracted your attention from the Lord?

  • Have you been busy serving God rather than in relationship with Him?

Read 1 Kings 6:15-38. Let’s focus on 1 Kings 6:11-13. In these three verses the focus is on the worship of God – not the temple. It is a reminder to us to remember what is most important, our heart’s devotion to the Lord. Our relationship with God through the study of His word and prayer is imperative. How we use the gifts He has blessed us with comesfrom the understanding of His will in our lives. Ministry is good, but the worship of that over God is a stumbling block.

  • Pray and ask the Lord to reveal the area or areas of your life where you have put God second and other things first. (i.e., money, person, career, ministry, houses or buildings, giftings, etc.)

  • Repent and turn back to a right relationship with God. Make the Lord your heart’s devotion and not the temporal things of this world.