1 Kings 19-20

1 Kings 19-20

Pastor Marshall Ochs | September 8, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 1 Kings 19-20. These chapters cover the aftermath of Mt Carmel and the resistance from Jezebel. Elijah expected nationwide revival, but Ahab’s wife stood in the way. These chapters reveal how Elijah dealt with this disappointment and how God comforts His people in sorrow. These chapters are a great source of encouragement for anyone struggling with discontentment.




As we read 1 Kings 19 and 20, we follow the story of Elijah after the powerful showdown at Mount Carmel. Despite this victory, Elijah is disheartened and flees. These chapters show us the weight of disappointment, the consequences of idolatry, and the quiet faithfulness of God during chaos. Let’s consider how these truths apply to our own lives today.

1 Kings 19:1-8

After the powerful victory at Mount Carmel, where God sent fire to consume the altar, Elijah expected a nationwide revival. But instead, Jezebel, who controlled much of the religious and political power, remained unrepentant and sought to kill him. Elijah fled, not because he feared her, but because his vision for revival was crushed. All his hard work felt undone by one person.


Many of us can relate to Elijah's despair. Have you ever poured your heart into something, only to see it unravel because of one individual or event? Like Elijah, we may feel disillusioned in those moments and run in the opposite direction. But even when we are weary and feel hopeless, God sustains us. He fed Elijah in the wilderness, providing bread and water, and led him to Mount Sinai, a place of covenant and renewal. When you feel defeated, remember that God will nourish and guide you. Take time to rest in His provision, trusting that He sees your obedience and will bring comfort in His way and time.

1 Kings 19:9-21

Elijah’s discouragement led him to isolate himself, believing his work was in vain. But even in his despair, God didn’t abandon him. Instead, God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” This simple question wasn’t for God’s knowledge but for Elijah’s heart. God meets us there when we feel like we’ve reached the end of our strength. He doesn’t condemn us. Instead, He gently calls us to reflect, come to Him honestly, and remember that He is with us.

God told Elijah to stand on the mountain and wait for Him. A powerful wind tore through the mountains, an earthquake shook the ground, and a fire blazed—but the Lord was not in any of these. Finally, there came a gentle whisper, and that’s when Elijah covered his face, knowing he was in God's presence.

God often speaks to us not through the dramatic or the loud but in the quiet and still moments. When life is overwhelming and we are looking for big signs, we may miss the whisper of God’s presence in our lives. He is with us in the quiet, inviting us to listen, trust, and find our strength in Him.

After revealing His presence, God didn’t leave Elijah in the cave. He gave him a renewed purpose, instructing him to anoint new leaders and to continue his prophetic mission. God reminded Elijah that he was not alone; there were still 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed to Baal. Even when Elijah felt isolated and defeated, God had a greater plan at work.

We often feel alone in our struggles, but God’s plan for us is far bigger than we can see. He calls us to continue, not in our strength, but with the assurance that He works through us, even when we don’t understand how.


Elijah’s encounter with God reminds us that God is not always in the grand and dramatic moments. Often, He speaks to us in the quiet places, in stillness and prayer. Elijah expected a loud, national revival, but God showed him that His work often happens in subtle, quiet ways. Are you listening for God’s voice in the quiet moments of your life? Amidst the noise of our busy world, we must intentionally seek Him in prayer, Scripture, and quiet moments.

1 Kings 20:1-12

As we shift focus to King Ahab, we see a king whose heart is far from God. Ahab disobeys God and seeks his own gain. Ben-Hadad of Syria threatens Israel, and war ensues. Despite Ahab’s wickedness, God remains in control. He has a plan to replace Ben-Hadad with Hazael and uses the 7,000 faithful men in Israel to defeat Syria.


Even when wicked leaders rule, and it feels like the world is spiraling out of control, God is still sovereign. Ahab was a weak and compromised leader, yet God’s plans were not thwarted. He used faithful men to accomplish His purposes. This gives us hope today. No matter how chaotic the world appears, no matter how unjust the systems seem, God is still on the throne.

1 Kings 20:35-43

This passage describes a prophetic interaction between a man of God and King Ahab. The prophet, disguised as a wounded soldier, delivers a parable to King Ahab, telling him he had been entrusted with guarding a prisoner. But because he let the prisoner go free, his own life would be taken in place of the prisoner’s. Ahab unknowingly declares his own judgment. The prophet then reveals that Ahab himself had failed to follow God's command to completely destroy King Ben-Hadad, whom God had delivered into his hands.


This passage is a powerful reminder of the weight of responsibility and the consequences of disobedience to God—Ahab’s failure to follow through with God's specific instructions led to his own judgment. The prophet's parable is meant to make Ahab understand the seriousness of his choices. It highlights that the responsibilities God entrusts to us should not be taken lightly. In a world where sin and injustice often seem to prevail, we are called to remain faithful and trust God. Reflect on how you can remain obedient to God’s Word.


1 Kings 19 and 20 remind us that God is still faithful despite what we see around us of widespread wickedness. He speaks to us in the quiet places, sustains us in our weariness, and remains sovereign over the world's chaos. Like Elijah, we may have moments where we feel alone and discouraged, but God is with us. Lord, thank You for sustaining us in our moments of weakness and weariness. Help us to listen for Your voice in the quiet and to trust that You are in control, even when the world around us seems chaotic. Give us the strength to remain faithful, knowing that You will bring justice and that we are never alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.