1 Kings 2

1 Kings 2

Pastor Marshall Ochs | July 7, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 1 Kings 2. This chapter covers the death of David and the beginning of Solomon’s reign. David gives Solomon advice on how to establish the kingdom and the importance of being a man and walking in God’s ways. This includes rewarding those who are generous and bringing judgment on those who walk in wickedness. David’s advice on establishing a kingdom is paralleled in Christ’s teaching of the Kingdom of God in unique ways. This chapter has many valuable applications for followers of Jesus.




This week, we are studying 1 Kings 2. As we reflect on these passages, let's remember the patterns and repetitions that get our attention, much like Jesus highlighted in Luke 24. These recurring themes, numbers, and phrases hold significant meaning. Keep this in mind as we explore 1 Kings.

1 Kings 2:1-12 — David's Final Words to Solomon

David’s final words to Solomon are profound: “Obey the Lord, and you will prosper.” He urges Solomon to be strong and walk in the Lord's ways. David emphasizes that true wisdom, effectiveness, and success come from obedience to God.

Reflection: To be a good leader, we must obey the Lord, be set apart, and make righteous choices even when difficult. How are you aligning your life with God's commands to ensure His blessings? Do you define blessings as the world or God’s definition?

1 Kings 2:13-25 — The Judgment of Adonijah

Adonijah, Solomon’s older brother, previously attempted to take the throne. Despite Solomon’s initial forgiveness, Adonijah’s request to marry Abishag reveals his continued ambition. This request is reminiscent of Absalom’s act of dominance, and Solomon faces an important decision.

Reflection: Solomon’s choice reflects his commitment to establishing a kingdom founded on righteousness. He brings judgment on Adonijah, illustrating the importance of dealing decisively with rebellion and sin. Consider the decisions you face: Are you addressing the root causes of issues in your life or avoiding them like David?

1 Kings 2:26-46 — Solomon's Reign

Solomon’s actions reveal his leadership style: gracious yet firm. He rewards kindness and extends grace but also ensures justice. Abiathar is expelled, Joab is brought to justice, and Shimei is given an opportunity to walk in obedience but ultimately fails.

Reflection: Solomon's reign teaches us about balance in leadership—extending grace while upholding justice. The repeated themes in this chapter—“established” and “die”—highlight the necessity of removing obstacles to establish a firm foundation. What aspects of your life need to be “put to death” to allow Christ’s reign to be established within you?

Christ spoke of His kingdom, established through His death and resurrection (Matthew 4:17). Unlike Solomon, Jesus died for us, inviting us to join Him in death to our old selves. As followers of Christ, we are called to take up our cross (Matthew 16:24), putting to death the deeds of the flesh (Romans 8:13, Colossians 3:5).

Reflection: The characters in 1 Kings 2 symbolize parts of us that must die for Christ’s kingdom to be established:

Joab: Anger, revenge, and a tendency toward violence.Shimei: Gossip, complaining, and cursing.

Adonijah: Entitlement, deception, and selfish plotting.

Consider how these traits manifest in your life and ask the Holy Spirit to help you put them to death.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for what You are teaching us through 1 Kings 2. Help us to walk in obedience and put to death the parts of us that hinder Your kingdom. Strengthen us to make righteous choices and extend grace and kindness to those around us. Establish Your kingdom in our lives as we follow Your ways. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.