1 Thessalonians 3-4

1 Thessalonians 3-4

Pastor Marshall Ochs | October 29, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 1 Thessalonians 3-4. Paul wrote this letter shortly after planting the church and his desire was to check on their spiritual condition. Timothy gave news that the church was healthy and fruitful, but a few key areas needed addressing. In these chapters, Paul address the issue of sexual immorality and the daily life of a Christian.




  1. In 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20, Marshall reminded us that Paul wanted the church to know that Satan is always at work trying to thwart the work of God in His people and in His church. We must be aware and guard ourselves with the full armor of God. If we don’t, we will see our lives getting out of control and falling easily into sin. When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you do? If it isn’t prayer and getting into God’s word, then the world gets in and the enemy uses that to distract us and keep us from what the Lord is trying to do in us and through us. If this has not been your priority, please take the time to reprioritize the start to your day and see what happens.

  2. Paul also reminded the church that it is the bride of Christ. The church is not a social club or a self-help group. We are to be about preparing for Christ’s return, and we are to be ablaze for Christ – pure, spotless, full of hope and joy. When Christ returns, what kind of bride will he find you to be?

  3. In Chapter 3, Timothy returns with encouraging news. The church in Thessalonica is filled with faith and love. This is comforting news to Paul. A healthy church lifts burdens, (i.e., discipleship, financial, hospitality, ministry, etc.) A church filled with faith and love is a healthy church and is exactly what the world needs. Paul prays for this church, and we should be doing the same for our church and the churches in our community, country and world. Read over Paul’s prayer and make that a part of your daily prayers for your family, Red Hills Church, missionaries and other churches/believers in our world today.

  4. Paul is glad that the church is growing and doing well. However, he is concerned about one issue – sexual sin. The Gentiles were bringing old customs into new churches which involved sexual immorality. Most men in this culture had mistresses, slaves, concubines, harlots, temple prostitutes and a wife. Paul reminds them that they are to live holy in their sexuality. Anything beyond one man and one woman in biblical marriage is sin. If you are a Christian, you are expected to live a sexually pure life. If this is an area of sin you struggle with, repent, seek the Lord and if needed, seek help from a leader in our church.

  5. Paul goes on in chapter 4 to encourage believers to show brotherly love even more than they already were. He tells them to live quietly, minding their own affairs and work. We should not be loud and obnoxious, being nosey, gossiping, or a burden financially to others. Why are these things important? Because these things will affect our witness to others. Please read the “conclusion” in Marhsall’s notes. Take the time to read over 1 Thessalonians 3-4 and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. May you be blessed this week!