2 Samuel 13-15

2 Samuel 13-15

Pastor Marshall Ochs | September 17, 2023

In these chapters, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Samuel 13-15. These chapters cover the consequences of David’s sin. David was called to shepherd Israel, but he took advantage of God’s sheep. Judgment fell on David’s house and the applications for us are abundant. The message looks at the shepherd as God’s ideal example for leadership, and the consequences that comes from neglecting our shepherding duties.




Read 2 Samuel 13-15 daily

  1. Each day, as you read God’s Word, will you begin by asking the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to what He has for you?

  2. Consider the type of leader you embody, reflecting on your various roles and spheres of influence. Who falls within the circle of your guidance? It may include children, employees, colleagues, friends, your wife, and other family members. Through your actions or inactions, what lessons are they learning from your example? As we observe in Scripture, particularly in 1 and 2 Samuel, our lives ripple through generations to come, leaving a lasting impact.

  3. This week, will you devote time to prayer, introspection, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to confront these questions with honesty?

  4. What kind of leader are you? Does your family witness you treating others with greater grace, forgiveness, respect, and love than they do? Do they see you obsessed with what you do not have, turning your focus from the goodness of God on your life and chasing after your desires that are not of God? True contentment is only found by aligning our desires with God’s Word.  

  5. Whatever the Holy Spirit reveals in this, will you repent, lay it all at the feet of Jesus, and ask Him to forgive you for not living as the shepherd He has called us to live and ask Him to teach you to put on the whole armor of God every day so that you may walk in obedience and His power to accomplish His will for your life.