2 Timothy 3

2 Timothy 3

Pastor Marshall Ochs | March 2, 2025

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Timothy 3. This chapter warns that in the "last days," sin and deception will increase, particularly within the church, leading to a "falling away" as people become lovers of themselves, money, and pleasure. He contrasts those enslaved to the enemy with those faithful to Christ, encouraging believers to embrace godly examples, continue learning, and grow in Scripture. Paul emphasizes the importance of God's Word for teaching, correcting, and training, as it equips believers for maturity in Christ. The man of God is complete and equipped for every good work as he commits to regular Bible reading, prayer, and application.




  • Taking inventory of your life, what kind of servant do you think you are?

  • What kind of servant do you desire to be?  It’s never too late to change course!

  • What temptations are you facing or have faced?

  • If any of these temptations listed in these verses describe you, then you are being used to accomplish the enemy’s agenda!  Repent and turn away from this behavior!

  • You will find that as a Christian you will face opposition, just as those before us did.  Be encouraged that God always prevails!  What opposition are you currently facing?  Have you allowed yourself to be used by the enemy by aligning yourself with the opposition in order to avoid discomfort or persecution?

  • How often do you read God’s word?

  • What do you receive when you do?

  • If it is not an important part of your daily routine, now is the time to change that!  Pray and ask the Lord to help you.

  • If reading God’s word has not been your priority, make today the day you commit to reading scripture and prayer.  Ask the Lord to make it sweeter than honey.  Watch and see what God will do in you and through you!