Hebrews 3

The Letter to the Hebrews - Chapter 3

Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 15, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Hebrews 3. This chapter expands the supremacy of Jesus, with an appeal from Numbers, that Christ is greater than Moses. The author of Hebrews describes the unbelief in Israel, under Moses, and how it resulted in Israel forfeiting their rest in Canaan. This becomes the basis for the author’s appeal to believers to avoid hardness of heart today, because it can also lead to a forfeiting of entering rest. This chapter is a powerful exhortation to grow in faith.




Monday: Read Hebrews 3:1-6 and Numbers 12

Hebrews 3:1 says, "we who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus...."

Will you meditate on this truth and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through His Word? First, we have a heavenly calling; as Pastor Marshall said, we are not here to become our "best self"; although culture tells us that should be our focus.

Second, the writer tells us to consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him...." Will you fix your eyes and hearts on Jesus? Will you spend considerable time at the feet of Jesus, the One who gives us access to the Father, and meditate on His superiority and sovereignty?

Tuesday: Read Hebrews 3:1-9 and Numbers 13

Moses was faithful in leading the Israelites and preparing the way for the Messiah. Throughout the Old Testament, God uses His people to accomplish His purposes. Will you ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see Jesus throughout the Old and New Testament?

Wednesday: Read Hebrews 3:1-13 and Numbers 14

The Israelites are a warning to us today. Do not let your heart grow hard, or you will not enter Jesus' rest. A hardened heart does not happen suddenly; it results from choices to disregard God and drift away from God and His people. However, God is faithful and can give us new hearts and desires if we ask Him (Ezekiel 36:23-27).

Thursday: Read Hebrews 3:1-19 and Psalm 95

The Israelites did not receive the gift of God's promised land for them because of their unbelief and lack of trust in Him. The letter of Hebrews calls us to learn from them by caring for our hearts and encouraging one another every day. Will you commit to being in God's Word daily and living in community with other believers?

Friday: Read Hebrews 3:1-19

Will you spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to give you a passionate desire to pursue Jesus over all other things? We are ambassadors for God's Kingdom, a light in a dark world. Are you living in a way that brings glory to Jesus?