Hebrews 7

The Letter to the Hebrews - Chapter 7

Pastor Marshall Ochs | February 12, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Hebrews 7. This chapter expands on the author’s argument that Jesus is a high priest from a greater order than the Levites. The superiority of Christ means the church no longer needs to return to the old priesthood and covenant to achieve covering for their sin. Christ is enough. Believers in Jesus can rest in the work of Christ and the blessing that comes from giving our lives to Him.




  1. As we read Hebrews 7, we see that Melchizedek is a shadow of something greater to come - Jesus. We see Abraham affirming this by giving his tithe to Melchizedek and giving God the glory for his victory in war. In what ways do we show God that we know and believe that Jesus is the great high priest in our lives?

  2. The author of Hebrews is appealing to the early church to not go backwards to old habits or rituals because it’s what was done in the past. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal any areas of your life where you are practicing old habits or rituals because it is comfortable or feels familiar.

  3. Jesus was the ultimate and perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of all sin. We can’t work our way to God. In what ways are you trying to earn God’s love and forgiveness? Friend, Jesus is enough! All you need is Jesus!

  4. We see in Hebrews 7:7 that Abraham was blessed for his faithfulness. He gave to God and God blessed him. When we give to God, He always gives back with a blessing. We will never be able to out-give God. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal areas of your life that need to be given to Him – money, time, talents, relationships, etc. Give Him EVERYTHING! Watch and see what the Lord does! He will bless you beyond what you can think or imagine!