Luke 1:1-38

Luke 1:1-38

Pastor Marshall Ochs | December 3, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 1:1-38. These verses cover the angelic announcement of John’s birth and Jesus’ birth. The two accounts are recorded together so we can see the parallels in the story. The message from Gabriel was similar, but the reactions were very different. Zechariah responded with unbelief, but Mary responded with faith. These responses are important as we ponder our reactions to the second advent of Jesus.




Read Luke 1:1-4

Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts compiled his accounts from first-hand experiences and eyewitness testimonies. Theophilus, for whom Luke wrote, had been taught but needed certainty. Luke's message provided that certainty by offering a well-documented and truthful account of the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus Christ.

In many ways, we all share a common thread with Theophilus. We, too, need constant reminders. Just as God instructed Joshua to meditate on His laws and follow them carefully, we should also be disciplined in studying God's Word. Confidence in our faith takes root when we are disciplined to be in God's Word daily. This commitment should not be viewed as a mere checklist item for us every morning but rather as a sincere heart to seek God wholeheartedly and surrender ourselves entirely to Him.

How can you relate to Theophilus in your own spiritual walk? Have there been times when you needed greater certainty or a deeper understanding?

Read Joshua 1:1-9

Reflect on the comparison with Joshua meditating on God's laws. How can discipline in daily Scripture help build your faith and deepen your relationship with God?

Read Luke 1:5-38

As we move through the first chapter of Luke, we encounter two parallel accounts that reveal the contrasting responses of two individuals when confronted with the divine message of the first advent – the coming of Jesus. Zechariah, a priest, and Mary, a young girl, both received a visitation from an angel, but their reactions were profoundly different.

Zechariah's encounter with the angel left him in disbelief. On the other hand, Mary, a young and humble girl, responded to the angel with faith and surrender. She accepted the incredible news that she would conceive and give birth to the Savior, declaring, "I am God's servant; let it be to me according to your word."

Luke presents these two accounts side by side to highlight the stark contrast in their responses. It serves as a reminder that at the first advent of Christ, those who should have known and believed often struggled with doubt, while those who might have been overlooked by society, such as Mary, demonstrated unwavering faith.

Consider your own response to God's promises and plans in your life. Are there areas where you have doubted or questioned, like Zechariah? How can you grow in trust and surrender to God's will?

Zechariah and Mary's story reminds us that Christ's advent is marked by unexpectedness. It challenges us to examine our faith and readiness for the second advent, encouraging us to trust in God's promises and to embrace the unexpected ways His plans may unfold in our lives and the world.