Luke 11:37-12:21

Luke 11:37-12:21

Pastor Marshall Ochs | March 17, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 11:37-12:21. These verses cover the contrast between the Pharisees and the disciples. These verses outline the outer life and inner life of those who follow Jesus. It covers numerous exhortations to forsake hypocrisy, walk in obedience to Jesus, and count the cost of discipleship.



Luke 11:37-12:21


We continued today with the teaching on the “inner person. ” Let’s take a closer look into the text this week and apply it to our daily lives. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal what changes need to take place.

1. Read Luke 11:37–42. This cleansing was more ceremonial washing, rather than for the purpose of hygiene. Jesus uses the reference to a cup to make the point that the Pharisee’s cared more about the appearance of the outside, instead of what was on the inside. The Pharisee’s wanted to be seen as holy, rather than being holy. The inward life didn’t match the outward life.

a. Do you find yourself caring more about what you present to others and how they see you, rather than what is really going on inside of you? A friend of mine said, “People spend their time and money on what they value. ” What do you value most? Do you spend time and money your outward life and appearance and neglect the inward life? We should be concerned with both. However, if our inner life is holy, it will overflow into an outward life of holiness.

2. Read Luke 11:43 – 12:3. In this passage we see Jesus answering a lawyer’s question and using it to teach about hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is when you act one way in public and a totally different way in private. Hypocrisy can cause us to become puffed up and believe the lies of the enemy and this world. Ultimately, this lifestyle is exposed. Regardless of what you think others see or know about you – God sees the real you, and eventually others often do too.

a. Do you find yourself living differently Monday – Saturday than you do on Sunday? Are you different in front of your church family than you are at home or work? Are you a Christian on the outside only? Pray and ask the Lord to bring your inner life under God’s control, and your outer life will reflect Him.

3. Read Luke 12:4–12. What does a life under God’s control look like? Jesus teaches the disciples to not fear man, but God. We should be living our lives so that God thinks well of us rather than worrying about what others think of us. Our value comes from our Creator! He died for us!

a. Do you find your value in what others think of you? Do you know that you have great worth as a child of God? Rest in the knowledge that God loves you! He’s ALL that matters!b. Do you hide your faith in public or are you confident and unashamed of your faith? Pray and ask the Lord who He wants you to befriend and build relationship with so that you can share your faith with them. Don’t worry about what you will say to them. God will put the words in your mouth!

4. Read Luke 12:13 – 21. Jesus is asked an inheritance question and uses it to teach about greed. The issue is not in having wealth but, how having it impacts ones heart. Everything we have is from the Lord!

a. Do you find yourself using words like the rich man in this parable – “my crops, my barns, my grain?” Do you recognize that all good gifts are from the Lord? You are merely a steward. You can’t store up money and possessions for yourself and be rich toward God. Pray and ask the Lord to show you what has become an idol for you. Is it the things of this world or a life dedicated, committed and controlled by God?