Luke 2:41-3:38

Luke 2:41-3:38

Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 7, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 2:41-3:38. These verses track the story of Jesus in the temple at age 12 and the early ministry of John the Baptist. Luke uses these stories to highlight the value of family and how the good news flows from family to the world.




  • After a week of celebration, Mary and Joseph head home and didn’t realize that Jesus was not with them and the group they traveled with. When they went back to Jerusalem, they searched for Jesus for 3 days and finally found him in the Temple. This is the first indication we see in scripture where Jesus understands who he is and desires to follow God above all else. One can only begin to imagine what was going through Jesus’s mind as he experienced the Passover rituals.

  • Luke is showing us what it looks like when a father leads his family toward the Lord, what a mother looks like who treasures God and what He is doing in her family and what a child looks like who is learning to do the same. Do you desire your family to look like this? What steps can you take this year as a spouse and/or parent to lead your family into a deeper understanding and following of God? What steps can you as a teenager take to break free of social norms and choose to follow God rather than the world? Please be encouraged to read the Bible together and discuss it as a family – especially with this wonderful opportunity to participate in The Bible Recap we are doing as a church family.

  • In Luke 3, we begin to see the life and ministry of John the Baptist. John receives his calling from the Lord, and he obeys. John was raised in a home where he was taught the gospel message and the importance of following Him. The gospel message starts at home. Family is where we first learn and grow in every aspect of life – especially spiritually. Church is the reinforcement of our beliefs, but should not be the only place we are being taught the Good News of Jesus. If this was not your experience in your childhood and/or has not been your experience in your family today – don’t live in the past! Start today to make changes that will focus on Christ and his message for you and your family. Out of the family that seeks to love and serve God, our communities are affected. The Good News is spread outward by our inward change.

  • We see John teaching people the importance of repentance. Repentance is turning to God and away from selfish, wicked and sinful ways. What has been more important and received more attention in your life and in your home other than Jesus? Focus on removing those obstacles (idols) and replacing them with the ways of the Lord. Repent, read God’s Word, pray and watch what God does in your life and the lives of your family and places of influence!

  • The Church is responsible for preparing the way of the Lord and His second coming. This begins in us and in our family. Be encouraged to begin making those changes today!