Revelation 13

Revelation 13

Pastor Marshall Ochs | October 9, 2022

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Revelation 13. This chapter reveals the dragon’s plan to imitate the Trinity with a beast from the waters and a beast from the land. The first beast is an imposter of Jesus who calls the nations to worship the dragon. The second beast is an imposter Holy Spirit who validates and spreads the worship of the beast. These two beasts will rise up before the return of Jesus, but they already cast a shadow that extends back to the 1st century. This vision is meant to prepare every church, in every season, to keep the faith and live without fear.




  1. The Beast is coming as a counterfeit Jesus; verse two describes Satan giving him his power, throne, and authority. Satan gives temporary satisfaction, whereas we find eternal salvation through Jesus. Are there any ways you are living for momentary gratification?

  2. Knowing that the dragon’s goal is to impersonate the Trinity, to deceive mankind, are you feeding on God’s Word daily to fight the schemes of the deceiver? Are there any lies that you have believed? Does the way you live align with what you say you believe? How do you spend your money and time, and what do you consume?

  3. God’s mark on His people is symbolic, is your mind set on Jesus, and do your hands do the work of Jesus?

  4. Understanding what John has written in Revelation will happen on this earth, are you preparing for what will come? How are you preparing? What might need to change in your life?

  5. Do you live in a way where the people you encounter daily see a lampstand and a follower of Jesus? Will you pray and ask God to give you opportunities to share the hope you have in Jesus?