2 Samuel 6-7

Pastor Marshall Ochs | August 20, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Samuel 6-7. These chapters tell the story of the ark of God returning to Jerusalem and God’s blessing over David. Each chapter is filled with a rich theology of worship and prayer. The author invites us to put down deep roots in these chapters and bear fruit in these two areas.




  1. Read 2 Samuel 6:1-4. The Ark of the Covenant was God’s throne on earth (see Marshall’s notes for biblical references.) This Ark was to be carried by the priests on their shoulders. Now that David is king over all of Israel, and Jerusalem is the new capital city, he wants God’s throne to be there too. David proclaims to all of Israel that God is the real King, and the throne belongs to Him alone. However, there was one mistake made. The Ark was to be carried on the shoulders of the priests – not on a manmade cart. Uzzah knew what God’s commands were concerning how the Ark was to be carried and yet, he chose to take the easy way and ultimately it cost him his life. Have you heard God speaking to you through His word and in prayer with clear instructions, and yet you chose to follow your own path? We often want to take the easy way or the most comfortable path instead of God’s way. How has this choice cost you?

  2. Read 2 Samuel 6:5-15. Uzzah’s death was a wake-up call for David. This event brought the fear of the Lord to David’s attention. David makes the decision to bring the Ark back to Jerusalem another way. (Please see Marshall’s notes for details on this journey.) It cost David approximately $4,000,000 to make a 3 mile journey! He felt there was no price too great to bring God’s presence into the midst of His people. What price are you willing to make in order to have the Lord’s presence with you? As believers in Christ, we are responsible to carry the presence of the Lord with us to others. Are you actively doing this in your daily life, or are you placing Him on the shelf of religious practice?

  3. Read 2 Samuel 6:16-23. David has been dancing before the Lord in worship and is criticized by his wife, Michal. David is worshiping and leading others to do the same. Uzzah was trying to manage the practice of religion and Michal was criticizing and judging. Uzzah and Michal suffered great consequences for their choices, while David was blessed by God for his choice. Worship is a matter of life and death! If we worship the Lord with fear and awe, we are blessed. If we practice religion or look at others in judgement, we lose the heart of worship – which leads to spiritual death! Worship should be an overflow of our heart, and it can be inconvenient, uncomfortable or costly. The reminds me of the “sacrifice of praise.” We must lay down self and selfish desires to worship God in spirit and in truth. In what ways have you been holding back your worship from the Lord? Turn back to Him – repent and worship!

  4. Read 2 Samuel 7:1-17. David desires to build God a home, and Nathan agrees. That night God speaks to Nathan and tells him that He does not want that. It is God’s desire to build something IN David, but not for David to build something FOR God. Oh, that we would allow this in us!! Are you so focused on doing for God that you have lost sight of what God wants to do in you?!

  5. Read 2 Samuel 7:18-29. David responds to God’s message to Nathan with humility. David prays to God and says, ‘Who am I?” He proclaims God as Sovereign Lord! David recognizes that he is not to be puffed up or following his own desires, but rather to be filled with praise giving glory to God alone! We should follow this example of humility! We must be in the Word for the purpose of feeding our soul and producing a fruitful worship and prayer life. Dig in and plant your roots deeply!