2 Samuel 8-9

Pastor Marshall Ochs | August 27, 2023

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from 2 Samuel 8-9. These chapters contrast two important themes of King David — the conquering king and the generous king. These themes also foreshadow the same themes in the messiah, King Jesus. The author’s intent in these chapters is for Israel to behold these themes, but there is a secondary goal for us today. We are to behold these themes in our king, but also learn to embody them in our life.




Read 2 Samuel 8

In the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 8, we are presented with a chapter filled with accounts of David's victories. As we focus on these conquests, it's easy to miss the intricate beauty of how God was at work in David's life.

David's victories over the Philistines, Moabites, Zobah, and the Arameans were undoubtedly remarkable. Verse 6 resonates with the central theme: "God gave David victory wherever he marched." It's a reminder that God is the source of every triumph in our lives. Just as David dedicated the articles to the Lord, let us dedicate our successes, both big and small, to Him, recognizing His role in our achievements.

However, as we delve deeper into these victories, we must remember that David's success was rooted in his alignment with God's will. David's life reflects the profound truth that God will not bless our selfish ambitions. Jesus himself taught us to prioritize seeking God's Kingdom and righteousness above all else, and this principle echoes throughout David's journey.

While triumphs marked David's reign, it's important to remember the foundation upon which his victories were built. David's years of waiting on God during his time on the run from King Saul showcase his unwavering faith. He obediently followed God's guidance, and his focus remained fixed on God rather than himself. Psalm 37:4 encapsulates this truth, reminding us that when we delight in the Lord, He aligns the desires of our hearts with His purposes.

As we examine David's character, we find that he consistently pursued justice and righteousness. This mirrors God's own character, as Psalm 33:5 and Jeremiah 9:24 highlight that God delights in justice, righteousness, and the knowledge of Himself. David's reign was meant to point us to a greater King, as Isaiah 9:6-7 reveals.

Let us not merely skim the surface of David's victories, but instead, let's uncover the layers of God's work within them. David's triumphs were a testament to his obedience, patience, and unwavering faith.

Read 2 Samuel 9

As we contemplate the generous King David, we're drawn to behold the ultimate Generous King, Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:19-22 and Ephesians 2:1 reveal Christ's generosity. We were once dead in our trespasses, without status, and separated from God, but Christ called our names, saved us, and bestowed upon us a seat at His table. Just as David changed Mephibosheth's fate, Jesus transforms ours, offering us reconciliation, life, and a heavenly seat.

David's character mirrors two fundamental aspects of Jesus: his conquering nature and his generous spirit. These qualities should not only be known but also embodied in our lives. The advancement of the gospel and the transformation of our lives illustrate the conquering power of Jesus. His generosity manifests in what He has done for us, compelling us to treat others with the same spirit.

Just as these chapters reveal the essential themes of King David's character, they also reflect the dual nature of King Jesus—conquering and generous. Our lives are to be shaped by these themes. Justice, equity, obedience, and generosity should permeate every corner of our existence. Just as David's reign exemplified these qualities, our lives should embody the same transformative power of Jesus.