Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 21, 2024
In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 5. This chapter covers the early ministry of Jesus and the call of His disciples. We see Jesus call Peter, heal a leper, a paralytic, and call Levi to forsake everything and follow Him. The joy in this chapter is found in the simple message — forsake everything, follow Jesus, and He will change your life.
As we read through scripture, remember to summarize the story, see the larger story (the deeper lessons and hidden meanings) and ask ,“what is required?”
In our study of Luke 5:1-11, we see Jesus teaching on the Sea of Galilee. After his teaching, He asked Simon Peter to lower his nets again. After a long night of unsuccessful fishing, Peter obeyed. To Peter’s surprise, the nets were so full, they started to tear, and the boats were so full they started to sink. What a great miracle to witness! This miracle was a blessing for the fishermen and their families. Have there been times in your life when you have seen and experienced God’s miracle of provision for you and your family? As we look at the larger story, we see that Jesus was teaching the importance of being a follower of Christ and a “fisher of men. ” When Peter witnessed this miracle, he immediately recognized his own insignificance and his need for Jesus. Now comes the question, “what is required?” Are you keenly aware of your need for Jesus? Like the fish, we will all be captured by God’s message of salvation. The question is, what will we do with that? Like Peter, are you willing to do what He says, leave the things of this world behind and follow Him? Do you tend to cling to self-sufficiency rather than Christ? Pray and ask the Lord to reveal the areas in your life where you have lacked surrender and tried to handle things on your own. (I am reminded of Proverbs 3!)
In Luke 5:12-26, we see Jesus perform two miracles of healing. When Jesus healed the leper, he told him to go to the priest. Jesus used the law of Moses to force the priests to affirm His power and divinity. Here is the deeper meaning! As Marshall explains, the whole system is set up to testify for Jesus! The same is true when we look at the healing of the paralytic man. Jesus forgives his sins and then heals his body. Thus, proving the point that Jesus has the power to both heal the body and the soul. One important thing to notice is that when God’s message of salvation has touched your soul – everything becomes different, and people can see the evidence of that transformation by the way you live and conduct your life. When others look at your life, do they see the evidence of Christ in you?
What is required? These stories are being used to point out our deep, desperate need for our Savior! Our only response should be complete surrender! Our soul should cry out, “Lord, I need You, and NOTHING is more important than You!!”
In Luke 5:27-39, Levi (Mathew) is invited by Jesus to follow him. As a tax collector, Levi left a lucrative lifestyle in order to follow Christ. His money and possessions were not as important to him as Jesus was. Can you say the same? Levi throws a party to celebrate his new journey and choice to follow Jesus. The religious leaders question why Jesus’ followers are eating with such “sinners” and don’t practice fasting. His response sheds great light on the sin ofpride! Jesus is making the point that He is here for those who recognize that they need Him. The deeper meaning? Everyone is sick and in need of the Great Physician! Unfortunately, like the Pharisees, we can become comfortable with our old ways and rigid in our religious practices. This hinders us from seeing the new things God is desiring to do in us and through us. What is required? Understanding our deepest need. We have a sin problem and Jesus is the ONLY solution! We MUST completely and totally surrender to Jesus! There is no better choice!