Luke 6

Pastor Marshall Ochs | January 28, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 6. This chapter covers the contrast between the old way and the new way. Jesus picks his 12 disciples and teaches the multitude about the kingdom of God. The sermon reveals the expectations of those who follow Christ and the contrast with those who live for the world. This is a powerful chapter that invites the reader to consider how we should live and who is instructing us to live this way.




The Pharisees were known for their strict adherence to the Sabbath commandments. They raised objections when Jesus performed a miraculous healing on a man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath day (Luke 6:11). Jesus used this opportunity to highlight their profound misunderstanding of God's laws, emphasizing that these laws were intended to bring life rather than destroy it (Luke 6:9).

The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a burden through a multitude of rules and regulations, making it appear as if humanity was enslaved to the Sabbath itself. However, at its core, the Sabbath held a deeper meaning. In the book of Hebrews (Hebrews 4:9-11), we see that the Sabbath serves as an illustration of salvation and eternal rest in God. Just as we cease from our own works on the Sabbath, we find spiritual rest in God's grace through Christ.

The purpose of Israel and God's laws, including the Sabbath, was to direct people toward God. Regrettably, these had been transformed into human constructs used for the exercise of power and control.

When we reflect on the stories of Jesus picking grain and healing on the Sabbath, we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus Christ, who came to bring freedom. As we seek spiritual nourishment, it's essential to go beyond merely receiving teaching and preaching on Sundays. We must also dedicate time to read God's Word, draw nearer to Him through prayer, and allow the Holy Spirit to mold us into Christ's likeness. Our character is shaped by what or whom we worship, and if we invest more time in the teachings of worldly influencers like popular culture and media, they can become our teachers. Therefore, it is crucial to be mindful of what we allow into our hearts and minds and prioritize our relationship with God.

Let us fully embrace the freedom and grace that the Sabbath signifies, and may it lead us to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus!