Luke 7

Pastor Marshall Ochs | February 4, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 7. In Luke 6, Jesus teaches about the kingdom but in Luke 7 Jesus demonstrates the power of the kingdom. This message tracks the power of God’s kingdom and the marvelous ways it transforms our life. The wisdom of God is not a collection of abstract theories, it has real power and brings about real change. Luke wants us to consider the difference between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom of our God — the results speak for themselves.




1. Read Luke 7:1-10. In this passage we see Jesus entering Capernaum and a centurion sends word to Jesus that his servant is in need of healing. Jesus agrees to go to the centurion’s house. The centurion sends word that Jesus doesn’t need to come to his home – even feels it would be disrespectful to Jesus to come to his home, but knows that if Jesus just speaks the word that his servant will be healed. This shows great faith and Jesus marvels at it. Before the centurion’s messengers return home the servant is healed. This is a perfect example of how faith is put into practice. Jesus did not find this kind of faith among His own people. A person who hears the word of God, believes it and then puts it into practice is the kind of faith God is looking for. You can say you believe, but if you don’t act on it or live it out, you’re lying to yourself. What kind of faith would Jesus find in your life if He visited you today? Looking over your faith journey, can you recount times that you have put your faith in God into practice? What happened? Are you in need of putting your faith in Him into practice in other areas of your life? What is holding you back?

2. Read Luke 7:11-17. In this story we see Jesus having great compassion on a widow who has just lost her only son. Jesus touches his coffin and raises him to life! This brings the teachings of Luke 6:20-26 into greater understanding. This also brings up questions for some of us. Why doesn’t God do something like this for me? Have there been times of sorrow or struggle in your life and God didn’t answer the way you wanted? Did you grow angry or bitter? Has this hindered your willingness to put your faith into practice in other areas of your life?

3. Read Luke 7:18-35. This passage helps to answer the question above. John the Baptist is in prison, and he is questioning God’s ways. He hears of all that Jesus is doing and yet, John is still in prison waiting to be killed. The answer is “blessed is the one who is not offended by Me.” Jesus is in control. We are to follow and trust His plan – not our own. I can especially relate to his point that God’s “No” is exactly what we need – whether we can see it or not at the time. We must trust God, even when we can’t see what or why He's doing what He’s doing. Are you in a season of struggling with accepting or seeing God’s plan? Let me encourage you to talk to God about it, ask Him to strengthen your faith and trust Him in the unseen.

4. In this same passage, Jesus makes the point that people were seeking John because they were seeking to know about Jesus. However, when He didn’t act or teach the way they wanted, they were upset. Jesus points out that the people were acting like children. They were playing games with each other and God. Jesus explains that true wisdom comes from not just hearing the teachings of God, but putting them into practice and producing fruit. We have a choice. We can listen to the teachings of this world or the teachings of God. Each bear very contrasting fruit. What wisdom are you listening to? When facing life’s challenges do you seek the world’s advice, or the teachings of God’s word?

5. Read Luke 7:36-50. Jesus is invited to a religious Pharisee’s home for dinner. This Pharisee is examining Jesus and trying to decide if He is worth following and obeying. The stark contrast between the Pharisee and the sinful woman is striking. She has faith and acts on it! The Pharisee is proud and judgmental. The woman is humble, grateful and worships Jesus. There are only two paths – those who believe and follow Jesus, or those who trust in this world and their own path. Which path are you on? Choose today to listen to God’s teachings, believe His word, obey it/put it into practice and watch how God will change your life!