Luke 23

Pastor Marshall Ochs | June 16, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 23. This chapter argues for a literal and historical account of the crucifixion of Jesus. In light of this account, we must make a decision about what we believe about Jesus. The chapter includes major and minor characters that demonstrate different responses to Jesus, but the chapter extends the invitation for us to make a decision about Jesus as well. The man who taught for three years and made bold claims about His divine nature can’t be ignored. Everyone must make a decision about what they believe about Jesus.




In Luke 23, we encounter the events leading up to and including Jesus’ crucifixion. This chapter is filled with various characters, each responding to Jesus in their own ways. Despite their different roles and actions, they share a common question: "What do you do with Jesus?"

Characters and Their Responses:

Pilate - The Roman governor faced political pressure and tried to avoid responsibility by sending Jesus to Herod. Despite recognizing Jesus' innocence, Pilate ultimately sentenced Him to death to protect his career. Pilate represents those who know the truth but choose self-preservation over righteousness. Pilate feared losing his political power. Fear can either immobilize us or push us to act courageously. Joseph of Arimathea chose the latter, reminding us that our faith should lead us to take bold steps, even when difficult.

Herod - He ridiculed and mocked Jesus before sending Him back to Pilate. Herod embodies those who treat Jesus and His teachings with contempt and disregard, seeing Him as a mere spectacle. The Elders and Religious Leaders - They manipulated the situation to ensure Jesus' death, lying and twisting His words to fit their agenda. This group represents those who alter Jesus’ message to suit their purposes, leading others astray in the process.

The Crowds - They envisioned their Savior arriving as a warrior to save them, but they turned on Him when He didn't do what they thought He should. How often do our own lives not turn out as we imagined, and in our frustration, we turn away from Jesus?

Joseph of Arimathea - a member of the Jewish high council who kept his faith in Jesus private until after Jesus’ death. However, when the time came, he boldly requested Jesus’ body to ensure a proper burial. Joseph’s actions show that true faith can overcome fear, leading to courageous deeds.

Reflection Questions:

1. “What will you do with Jesus?" His teachings are radical and demand a response. Will you change His message to fit your needs, ignore His commands, or follow Him wholeheartedly?2. In what areas of your life are you tempted to act like Pilate, knowing the truth but choosing the easy way out? How can you stand firm in your faith in Jesus Christ and His truth?

3. Have you ever been swayed by the opinions of others in your walk with Jesus? How can you ensure that your decisions about Jesus are based on God’s Word rather than societal trends?

4. Reflect on your personal response to Jesus' radical teachings. How do you interpret His commands to "take up your cross," "die to self," and "love your enemy"? What steps can you take to live out these teachings more fully?

5. Reflect on how you respond to Jesus in your daily life. Do you alter His teachings to fit your lifestyle, ignore His commands, or follow Him despite the cost? Like Joseph of Arimathea, let your faith lead you to bold actions, regardless of the cost.