Luke 24

Pastor Marshall Ochs | June 23, 2024

In this message, Pastor Marshall teaches from Luke 24. This chapter covers the resurrection narrative and the several appearances of Jesus following the resurrection. The chapter reveals a pattern of people feeling confused, an invitation out of that confusion into deeper understanding, and the results of an expanded Kingdom connected to the deeper understanding. When the early church revisited scripture, their eyes were opened and the gospel was spread. Luke wants us to see this pattern so we recognize it in our lives too. Evangelism is always fueled by seeking of the Lord.




Let’s begin by reading Luke 24:1-12. The women who went to the tomb that day were consumed with sorrow. They didn’t go to the tomb to see if their Savior was risen as He had told them. They went there to anoint the body of Jesus with spices and perfume to help mask the smell of a dead body. They had to be reminded by the angels who appeared to them as to what Jesus had told them would happen on the third day. Once their eyes were opened to the promises Jesus made, they believed and ran to tell the disciples. Before we think critically of these women, let’s ask ourselves a couple of questions.

1. When faced with sorrow, grief, anxiety, etc., what is your first reaction? Is it to doubt God, or is it to trust Him, His Word and His promises? Do you get caught up in the circumstances that so easily entangle us, or look for God’s provision and direction?

2. These women were visiting a graveyard. Have you been living in your graveyard? This is where we can often get stuck in our hurt and pain. God invites us to remember His Word – read it – feast on it – know it – and give testimony to others with our actions and our words.

Continue reading Luke 24:13-25. Once again, we see followers of Jesus walking along a road to Emmaus feeling confused and sorrowful. They are discussing all that had happened over the last 3 days. Jesus appears to them and reminds them of the Scriptures that prophesied what the Messiah would have to endure before entering into Glory. They too needed reminding from the Word of God. Jesus broke bread at their meal and their eyes were opened to see who He was. They returned to Jerusalem to tell the others.

  • When you feel confused about the circumstances you’re facing, do you try to talk it out with others before you read God’s Word and tell Him how you’re feeling? I heard a teacher once ask, “Do you go to the throne before you go to the phone?” Powerful question!

  • Do you seek the wisdom and advice from man, before you seek God in His Word or through prayer?

Read Luke 24:36-53. Here’s the third story Luke shares with us concerning Jesus’ resurrection and it repeats the same pattern. The disciples are consumed with fear from religious leaders and doubt concerning His resurrection. Jesus addresses their doubts and opens their minds to understanding of the Scriptures. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to spread the Good News to the people.

  • Have you been experiencing a season of fear and doubt?

  • What are you doing about it?

  • Are you in the Word and talking to God in prayer?

As Christie reminded us today, when we are facing all kinds of circumstances in our lives – chaos, confusion, hurt, grief, etc., begin to praise the Lord. Seek Him! Start your day in His Word and in communication with Him! Remind your soul who HE IS! Forget not all His benefits! As Marshall reminded us today, there is a pattern here.

  • You may be experiencing a graveyard, traveling down a road of confusion, filled with pain, sorrow, doubt, anger or unforgiveness.

  • No matter where you are or what is happening around you, the answer is the same. Revisit Scripture! Read it again and again! We should not have a ‘once and done’ approach to the Word of God!

  • Revisiting Scripture opens our eyes to His truth!

  • Open eyes enable us to spread the Good News of Christ to others!